Project description

Project presents Mobile Biogas Station that allows to make biogas available as an alternative fuel for customers having high electrical and thermal energy consumption. The essential problem, which has been undertaken to resolve is purification, storage and distribution of biogas in a safe and economically justified way. For the purpose of this project, the theoretical model of biogas transportation was built and the basic parameters of transport were established. Based on theoretical models and computer-aided simulations, the prototype of a gas storage unit was designed and manufactured. It was subjected to experimental testing, which validated numerical models. As a result, the model of full size Mobile Biogas Station on a base of 20-foot container was designed. It is capable of transporting biogas wherever needed. Modular structure of the station allows to adapt its capacity according to customer’s needs and to provide energy supply in the most effective way.

Isometric view

Isometric view


Project LIDER/034/645/L-4/12/NCBR/2013 is funded by the National Centre for Research and Development. The purpose of the LIDER Programme is to help young scientists learn how to plan research on their own, manage and lead their own research team while carrying out projects likely to be implemented on the market.
LIDER Programme is also aimed at encouraging scientists to cooperate with businesses while performing economically valuable and implementable studies and research and enhancing mobility and exchange between research sectors, universities and research units.

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