TRAILS – Travelling Innovation Labs and Services
TRAILS – Mobile Innovation and Services Labs is a new service and education framework that provides free training in the range of innovation and entrepreneurship (corporate) for schools and SMEs in urban and rural areas of Lower Saxony and Eastern Saxony. The special feature is that TRAILS provides adequate facilities and equipment in three adapted containers, appropriately designed for the places where they will be staying. Workshops that are provided in containers are based on proven formulas that help businesses improve their operation in the long run, and encourage students to explore regional businesses. Our team is responsible for conducting workshops and presentations.
Project Partners:
- WISSENSARCHITEKTUR – Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture @ Technische Universität Dresden
- Marshal Office of Lower Silesian Voivodeship @ Lower Silesian Voivodship
- Study of Humanities and Social Sciences @ Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Period of implementation: 1. August 2016 to 31. July 2018
Start of training: Spring 2017
Program: INTERREG 2014-2020 Flag project
Co-financing: EUR 1.2 million
Background of the project: TRAILS is an EU flagship project with a grant of € 1.2 million co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the INTERREG Poland-Saxony Cooperation Program 2014-2020. The key element of the project is the development of innovative mobile laboratories and innovative services and entrepreneurial training services.
Press releases: