by admin | 12 January 2018 | Innovento |
Przedsiębiorstwo realizuje projekt pt. “Modułowa, wielofunkcyjna i ultralekka przyczepa przeznaczona do wytwarzania w elastycznym systemie produkcyjnym” w ramach Działania 1.1 „Projekty B+R przedsiębiorstw”, Poddziałania 1.1.1 „Badania przemysłowe i prace rozwojowe...
by admin | 28 July 2017 | Innovento, Szkolenia |
TRAILS – Mobile Innovation and Services Labs is a new service and education framework that provides free training in the range of innovation and entrepreneurship (corporate) for schools and SMEs in urban and rural areas of Lower Saxony and Eastern Saxony. The...
by admin | 9 May 2017 | Innovento |
The FORMAT project aims at developing an innovative Forecasting Methodology supporting decision making in Manufacturing Industries. Our team was actively involved in the projects, including development of the methodology and its practical implementation. Project...
by admin | 7 May 2017 | Innovento |
20 listopada 2015 r. w Centrum Kongresowym przy Hali Stulecia (przy ulicy Wystawowej 1) odbył się II Wrocławski Kongres Naukowy Dzieci i Młodzieży. Przedszkolaki i fizyka? Uczniowie podstawówek na warsztatach architektonicznych, poznający podstawy logistyki,...
by admin | 7 December 2016 | Innovento |
During TRIZ Future 2016 MobileBioGas project has been promoted. Two scientific papers were presented by Sebastian Koziołek: Design for change: disaggregation of functions in system architecture by TRIZ-based design – In this article, a TRIZ-based Re-design...
by admin | 22 November 2016 | Innovento |
The conference, which has been for many years organized by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, has already established its reputation in Poland as well as abroad. It has become one of the most important scientific events connected to computer aided engineering in our...
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